MB's Dominant Life Coach Online Programme.
Over the years being a Domme I have built up dynamics with many of My clients, subs and slaves and in many cases this has evolved into an almost life coach style of Control. Examples being clients who have wanted to lose weight or get fit, start their own business, change aspects of their life, develop healthy habits, kick out unhealthy habits, stop smoking, reduce wanking! etc. (I could go on)
I totally understand that sometimes you need someone to encourage, give confidence, facilitate a plan, punish on failure and reward successes, to set out consequences and interact with you, to put you in your place, take control and give you a kick up the arse (or in the balls). A Muse but also a Disciplinarian....well who better than Me! and so I will be offering select places for monthly control on My Dominant Life Coach Online Programme. (control will be via whatsapp text messages, video messages, voicenotes and video calls)
I have a great deal of knowledge in most aspects of life, fitness, nutrition, business, finances & relationships as well as understanding the desires and weaknesses that make men tick! I will whip you into shape and have you craving to please Me and in turn you will achieve your own personal goals.
If this resonates, you may email Me, each dynamic is unique and the details will be discussed if I think you are suitable and I can help you. Obviously a monthly tribute will be required, My time is not free or cheap but trust Me it is worth it.
Behave for now
Miss Bailey xx